My Tarnished Halo

Friday, October 13, 2006

Less is More

I once read about a family that gave away all but 7 days worth of clothes. Each family member had an outfit for each day of the week. That led to less laundry and less time deciding what to wear each morning. Think of all the stifled "Honey, I need a work shirts," and "Mom, I can't find socks." It sounds simple. It sounds...heavenly. As it is, if we broke out the new duds I have stored, we could probably go at least a month and not wear anything twice.

I buy clothes, lots and lots of them, and then I have to find a place to put them, a place to store them until the right season and size approaches. Some clothes in my closet won't ever see the light of day, yet they take up residence on potential hangers while other clothes lurch and reproduce on the floor...and on the dressers (well, any flat space available) and more still folded on the couch wait to be put away. Sometimes we go straight to the folded clothes piles for clean clothes. The closet rods bow. The washer and dryer tremble with upset stomachs and occasionally eat a sock upon which I go buy more socks. The baby ones are especially cute...

Stop the insanity! I'm going to pack up the sundresses I wore in junior high and the work pants I wore to my first job. The skinny jeans I won't ever fit again and the too-tight tops are tacky and toss-worthy. I can't believe I'm even saying this, but I'm done buying clothes for awhile. After all, new clothes are just raw laundry. Less will indeed be more. More time, more money, more freedom!


At 4:24 AM, Blogger Elisa said...

Ha ha, raw laundry. You're so right and I've got a lot of that here, too. That said, I'm still going to this big yardsale this morning to look for more bargains!

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Watty said...

sounds like a total plan! I have a ton of stuff I can't fit anymore, I need to do this too! (the kids clothes were switched out a while ago though)

I have two bags of stuff just sitting in the basement waiting for ebay land. I wish I'd get the motivation to SELL IT!


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