My Tarnished Halo

Friday, November 11, 2005

No Show

Tyler's 7th Birthday has come and gone. When I plan for events like this, I get this kind of nervous and rushed feeling right before the big event. Did I clean the house well enough? Do I have enough cake/chips/punch? Do the kids look clean? Did I get all the flour off of my sweater? If you entertain on any bit of a regular basis, you know the drill! I rushed up until the moment his friends were supposed to come over. I pulled my hair neatly back into a tidy ponytail. We blew up a few extra balloons while we waited. And waited...

2:00 pm came and went. NOT ONE of his friends showed up. I was heartbroken. Maybe it was the time and effort that I went into collecting stuff for the perfect goody bags. Or possibly the huge household cleaning effort that we'd undertaken. No, it was the look on his face when I checked my watch and it was already 2:30. Such a letdown. And I had to try not to show it.

Instead I jumped on the Fandango bandwagon and looked up the new releases. Ahhhh Zathura would be just what we needed. Two adults, two children, and one baby-sitter later we were in the theater enjoying salty popcorn and Cokes. It worked. At least for him anyway.

I'm still peeved that no one took the time to R.S.V.P. When my boys get an invite, I am going to do my damnedest to make that courtesy phone call whether we will be in attendance or not. Now that I have been the Mom of the boy who got "stood up" if you will, I will not see another crushed spirit. If you Mommies and Daddies out there take one thing from my blog today, *R.S.V.P.!

*The most common meaning is the French "Repondez, s'il vous plait," which means "Respond, please." From Ask Yahoo!

I'll end with a pic of the Birthday Boy
and of course the link to vote for Tyler my "Computer Whiz." 2 days left to vote!


At 9:36 AM, Blogger shopspacemonkey said...

Oh my gosh!!! Poor Tyler! Those stupid parents!!! Geesh. I will never not RSVP ever again!!


ps. did you double check the date on the invite???

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Tess said...

Poor kiddo! I can't believe those parents didn't rsvp.

How was the movie?

At 5:16 AM, Blogger Jeni said...

Ugghh I So fell your RSVP pain. Every year I get the same thing, I end up calling parents personally 2-3 days before to find out if they are coming or not. Drives me insane. I think next year we should both write, "Please Resond if So and so will be coming so I don't have to choke you when my kid expects a party and YOUR kid doesn't show up because his RUDE parents don't understand what RSVP means!"



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