My Tarnished Halo

Friday, December 15, 2006

I spent half of yesterday preparing for Jason's work Christmas party. By the time 6 'o clock came around, everything came together in one sexy little package- the waxed brows, the painted pink toenails, silky smooth legs, the sultry smoky eyes and lips of wine. I had one of those days where I felt 110% woman. I exuded confidence which is unlike me but it felt damn good.

The party was nice, despite the fact it was held on a Thursday night and in a busy and loud casino. It wasn't the games or the prizes that I enjoyed most. Sure I enjoyed the drinks but they didn't do it for me either. It was the attention! I kept noticing eyes on me and it felt really good to ditch the frumpy so-and-so's Mom look I usually sport. I could get use to glam! Before you target me for going out seeking the attention, you must know that at the end of the night it sure felt amazing to come home with the man I love and hear him say he thought I looked really hot, maybe even hotter than when we met. That having kids has been really good to me. And we did what we used to do as teens, spontaneous and carefree and 100x better because we are still in love almost 9 years later.

Jason took time out of his busy day today to drop by the house bearing flowers, the ones in the picture! It was a sweet gesture. He told me how his co-workers had been telling him today how nice I looked last night and that he felt lucky I was by his side. And while it's back to motherly things like making Christmas candy and taking the kids to see Charlotte's Web, I can't wait 'til MILF gets to make another appearance. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


At 3:49 PM, Blogger Amy said...

OMG I am going to cry. How sweet! I know what you mean about losing the frumpy mom and being glamorous! But remember you are a MILF no matter how you re dressed!!!!!!

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Linda said...

You go girl!!!


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