My Tarnished Halo

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

F for Effort

At least I made an effort. You don't want to bother, that's on you. I don't know why I expected any more. Hell, you should have stopped me in the beginning. Misled me. That's on you. "F" for effort, pinned to you. I will waste no more time on YOU.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Fiery Disaster Averted!

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A storm this weekend pushed a nice surge through our electrical. The power blacked out for maybe 5 seconds and then came right back on. That's when we started having electrical problems, first seeming to stem from the T.V./cable box. While on, it seemed to have surges of power flashing off and on with no rhyme or reason. DH is a cable guy so he did the usual cable trouble-shooting, replaced the box, checked the T.V., but nothing doing. A day later and I'm sensing his frustration. I walk by the fridge and notice it too is shutting on and off. DH took a look behind the fridge and was shocked (not literally!) to find that the electrical receptacle was arcing! The wallpaper was literally fried brown and some of the plastic had melted away. Look at the discoloration in the picture. When I tipped the receptable on the paper to take a picture, charred remains fell out. Thank God we caught this in time. It really caught me off guard. Things happen so fast and I am just so thankful that this time all is ok. I can't get over how lucky we are.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The easiest way to stay on a diet when going out to eat is

FINDING A HAIR IN YOUR FOOD! Blech, ugh, puke puke. I have THE worst luck when it comes to finding something foreign in my food. I don't even want to describe what kind of hair it was, oh you know the stories. This was THAT hair. After two slices of quesadilla, I flat out lost my appetite. Jason keeps telling me not to look at my food but to me that's asking for trouble. I could've choked!

The only thing that turned the night around was Baskin Robbins .31 cent scoop night! So yay for low fat pineapple-coconut ice-cream!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Failure to Remember

I am plagued by a bad memory. I took my Grandma out to run her errands. Before going in the grocery store, I listed outloud the 3 things I needed to pick up. By checkout time, I only had two of the three and neither of us could recall the third. Now Grandma is 78. She has an excuse! I'm only 28. Wth? If my memory is this bad now, what do I have to look forward to? On the way to drop her off, I was sipping from my water bottle. And it hit me. Single serve powdered drink flavor packets. All this water I've been drinking is entirely too bland. At least I remembered, but it woulda been so much more helpful to remember AT the grocery store.