My Tarnished Halo

Sunday, November 20, 2005

It Begins

This coming Friday or "Black Friday" is known as the official start to the Christmas shopping season and the busiest retail day of the entire year. Retailers' books switch to black (positive) versus red (negative.) Now I was trying to be a good girl all year and stash away gifts here and there when we could afford it, but (BIG BUT) isn't it like toy manufacturers to come out with the latest and greatest gadgets in the very last weeks of November? If I've stashed away anything, it's probably outdated or "uncool" by now anyway. Ya gotta get out early if you want the popular toys. They always go fast like the time Connor kicked the hamster ball (complete with hamster) across the room! I want to get my sons the gift that makes their little brown eyes light up.

Black Friday is all about strategy. If you are insane enough to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn, warm-blooded enough to stand in long-ass lines that weave around the store at 5am, and patient enough to wait in lines that make it appear as if someone ahead is giving out free money, YOU TOO CAN GET A GOOD DEAL!

I've made my list and the ads aren't even out yet! I scope Black Friday ads @ Just type in what you are searching for and it gives you the list of stores and prices. It's nothing short of fantastic. Saves me rummaging through mounds of ads pre-sale. But it can't hold back the ravenous bargain-hungry crowds.

Last year I took the kiddos along. Can you say MISTAKE? Imagine trying to keep track of your kids amongst a pack of deal-crazed shoppers who are irate from 1) Trying to find parking 2) Standing outside in the freezing cold 3) Fighting over a limited number of specially priced items 4) Waiting in lines that you can't see the end or beginning of. I've seen carts moved, pushed, and straight up rammed on purpose. I've seen lost little kids and kids get hit by carts. I've seen two people grab the "prize" at the same time and argue it out. Cussing at cashiers, demanding to see the manager while hundreds of people frown dissapprovingly from behind, and buying up way more than ones' fair share of special merchandise. Seriously, to the woman at Fred Meyer last year with two carts full of 50% off socks- I hope you either have a family of 31 or donated them to a shelter. I would have given anything for a camera phone. These aren't your ordinary shoppers- they have the ability to be flat-out rude.

I am already searching for a kind soul to baby-sit for me Friday morning. I can get so much more done without three whining boys. They hate shopping in the first place but add the waiting and crowds and it's boys gone wild, save for they keep their clothes on, thank God!

My list has popular toys and DVD's. I'm hitting Best Buy first, and then probably Target. If I have the boys my adventure stops there. If not I will be headed to Radio Shack, Sears, and EBGames. I justify waking up early by saying "It's just once a year!" I love checking out what other folks are buying while I wait in line. I can deal with the crowds. Patience is a Black Friday shopper's virtue. Once I cross off about half my list, I'll drag my ass home and beg the baby-sitter to stay while I take a lengthy nap! If I'm lucky, the kids might even still be snoozing.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

All is Clear

My Aunt's biopsy came back negative!

Stare at the four black dots in the center of the image for 30 - 60 seconds. Then quickly close your eyes and look at something bright (like a lamp or a window with sunlight coming through it). You should see a white circle with an image inside it.

More to Know

Pheeeeew (HUGE sigh of relief inserted here.) Such a strange past couple days. Lots of not knowing, and that drives me bonkers! I got a collect call from the county jail and couldn't figure out who it was from so I didn't accept. My brother was fired from his job. Grandma and Grandpa are fine. Turns out they have been extra super busy this week. My Grandma is a real go-getter for her age. I mean, this woman participates in more extra-curricular activities than my family combined. Pinochle, senior bingo, church choir, watercolor, oil painting, Curves...she is a BUSY lady. We haven't heard from my Aunt about the biopsy so we are all still on pins and needles about that. Why oh why can't they make some test that takes less than 5-7 days for this?

Last night, my brother and I went to spaghetti dinner with Mom and her boyfriend. The very same spaghetti restaurant we used to go as a family, with our Dad. Dinner was fine, all small talk until the very end. My Mom started to tell us something and couldn't spit it out! You should have seen my brother and I exchange a terrified glance. So her boyfriend speaks for her and it was something to this effect. "Your Mom and I are really sorry at the way all this went down. I don't know you very well...I hurt you and I don't even know you. We know you love your Dad, and you should. We want you to be comfortable around us (gag me). We now have one thing in common, your Mom. I really love her." Mom wants to bring him around to more family events. It also turns out they are looking at riverfront property together. Oh please, spaghetti wriggling in my stomach like little worms, I command you to stay down!

The holidays should get really interesting around here!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Pray it's Nothing

My Aunt was recently hospitalized for pneumonia and while in for that, doctors discovered spots on her liver. She had a biopsy done. Results should be back any day now. Unfortunately, this coincides with the absence of my Grandparents. We don't know where they are. I believe they either A) Went to be with my Aunt when she gets the results back, B) Went to be with my Aunt because the results are back/not good, or C) Are just out shopping or running errands.

We are a very close-knit family, usually not traveling without letting the family know important numbers, hotel arrangements, etc. It's very unlikely my Grandparents just up and left without saying anything, but possible in such a situation. I just had a very bad feeling this afternoon when my other Aunt called looking for my Grandparents, like the feeling you sometimes get when the phone rings in the middle of the night. Please, pray it's nothing.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Food Quirks

I know we all have some strange little food-related habits, so dish (pun very much intended!)

* I don't like eating meat off of the bone, yuck!

* After I eat something sweet, I need to balance it with something salty. Tonight I had Ben & Jerry's Marsha Marsha Marshmallow, followed by Chex Party Mix.

* I judge my food by texture. If it tastes good but the texture is wrong, so long! It's texture over taste every time. The exception is tapioca pudding. You'd think being a texture person I wouldn't like it, but I LOVE it.

* Meat has to be cooked well, or at least not pink. Prime rib grosses me out!

* Can't stand ranch dressing, the smell or taste. Having worked in food service, too many times I watched people gorge themselves by dipping anything and everything into boats of ranch. Then I got stuck cleaning up the mess.

* I can't eat Saltines anymore because it brings back memories of morning sickness.

Aches of the Ages

Every few weeks while I'm at my Grandparents' house on Sunday morning, they are reading the paper and recognize someone from the obits. "Oh look Bob, Eda May (or Ruth, or Agnes, or Opal because they all have old-fashioned names) passed away from lung cancer." Then it's "Remember when...she was the one that played violin with me in orchestra...she married George who worked out in the area...they have three kids...she volunteered with the Red Cross..." and they sit in remembrance. It's a normal occurrence at this age to run across past acquaintances in such a way. Sometimes they attend the funeral. Sometimes they send flowers. I see it happen way more frequently than I'm comfortable with at this point.

I remember the first time someone from my high school died. It was my senior year and the home ec teacher got a special announcement to read to the class. I asked if it was related to graduation which was right around the corner. She said "No, it's bad." I couldn't fathom what could be so bad- cancelled senior sleepout due to lack of security or something. One of the girls that had attended our school for a year or so had moved recently and was unfortunately involved in a tragic car accident resulting in her death. She wasn't somebody I got along with or would associate with, but it home hard nonetheless. She was somebody's daughter, somebody's friend...and at this age it just isn't expected.

I like being in my 20's. When I read the paper I am always checking out the engagements, wedding announcements, and births. I see who went to what college and graduated to become a nurse, lawyer, psychologist. You get to see the people you thought would never get married find the love of their life and some are still dinking around the hometown popping out babies. You see the nerd graduated from a prestigious college and notice that he's not-so-bad looking as you once thought he was. C'mon you know you've done it!

But at a point I know the topic of conversation will inevitably turn to the declining health of my generation. It's not like it can be avoided. Numbers go up and health goes down. Someday I'll be sitting at senior bingo drinking a cup of black coffee among the little old folks and one of the ladies will say "Remember so and so, she found out she has cancer." And one of them will probably go on to tell me a story of how her daughter survived breast cancer. And one of them will probably continue to tell me the story of the most painful kidney stone of their life and how it took 3 days to pass and looked like a chunk of concrete. Then my back will start to ache and I'll pick up my cane and moan and creak as I walk to the coffee pot for a caffeinated refill which I will explain that the doctor told me I shouldn't have but I'll have it anyway. That's what life becomes about, anything that interferes with LIFE.

Will they remember me when I go? Will they look at my obit with smiles on their faces as they eat maple bars and sip herbal tea? When it's my time, I hope so. I genuinely hope so.

Friday, November 11, 2005

No Show

Tyler's 7th Birthday has come and gone. When I plan for events like this, I get this kind of nervous and rushed feeling right before the big event. Did I clean the house well enough? Do I have enough cake/chips/punch? Do the kids look clean? Did I get all the flour off of my sweater? If you entertain on any bit of a regular basis, you know the drill! I rushed up until the moment his friends were supposed to come over. I pulled my hair neatly back into a tidy ponytail. We blew up a few extra balloons while we waited. And waited...

2:00 pm came and went. NOT ONE of his friends showed up. I was heartbroken. Maybe it was the time and effort that I went into collecting stuff for the perfect goody bags. Or possibly the huge household cleaning effort that we'd undertaken. No, it was the look on his face when I checked my watch and it was already 2:30. Such a letdown. And I had to try not to show it.

Instead I jumped on the Fandango bandwagon and looked up the new releases. Ahhhh Zathura would be just what we needed. Two adults, two children, and one baby-sitter later we were in the theater enjoying salty popcorn and Cokes. It worked. At least for him anyway.

I'm still peeved that no one took the time to R.S.V.P. When my boys get an invite, I am going to do my damnedest to make that courtesy phone call whether we will be in attendance or not. Now that I have been the Mom of the boy who got "stood up" if you will, I will not see another crushed spirit. If you Mommies and Daddies out there take one thing from my blog today, *R.S.V.P.!

*The most common meaning is the French "Repondez, s'il vous plait," which means "Respond, please." From Ask Yahoo!

I'll end with a pic of the Birthday Boy
and of course the link to vote for Tyler my "Computer Whiz." 2 days left to vote!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Semper Fi and Happy Birthday the United States Marine Corps, for 230 years of proudly serving the people of the United States. My husband served in the U.S.M.C. from 1996-2000. Thank you for turning him into the responsible and dedicated man he has become. I proudly claim my former title of military wife. Thank you to each and every veteran, and those still putting their lives on the line. My thoughts reside especially with the people serving in the Middle East right now. Citizens of America~ you may know the familiar tune to the Marines' Hymn, but do you know the words?
Marines' Hymn

From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, We fight our country's battles in the air, on land and sea. First to fight for right and freedom, and to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine.

Our Flag's unfurled to every breeze from dawn to setting sun. We have fought in every clime and place, where we could take a gun. In the snow of far off northern lands and in sunny tropic scenes, You will find us always on the job, the United States Marines.

Here's health to you and to our Corps, which we are proud to serve. In many a strife we've fought for life and never lost our nerve. If the Army and the Navy ever look on heaven's scenes, they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Birthday Wish

All Tyler wants for his Birthday is your vote! He's up for Neighborhoodie of the Week. You can see him wearing his cool Computer Whiz shirt (Tues. 11.1's pic) and vote for him at:

You can vote once a day through next Monday 11.14! How cool would it be to win this for his birthday?!

Monday's Musings

Clam fritters were, uh...ok. It wasn't the greasy seafood-y smell that soaked into my jacket when I walked in that turned me away. It was the texture that didn't do anything for me. You see, I'm a texture person when it comes to eating. Texture outdoes taste everytime. It could taste wonderful but feel weird in my mouth and I'd probably push it to the side or politely find my napkin. I like seafood, drenched in tartar sauce. When I was pregnant, I couldn't get enough seafood and tartar but had to limit myself due to unsafe levels of mercury in fish. (The FDA warns to limit or eradicate shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish.) Thanks to the masking flavor of the tartar, I managed to eat 2 of the things. Enough to please Grandma, but I won't be making these at home.

Last night I designed Tyler's birthday party invites on the computer. When I typed 7th I about had a breakdown. My first baby is turning 7 in 4 days! I can't believe that one cold, windy November night so long ago I was so naive and so inexperienced at Motherhood but every ounce of my body was saying "bring it on!" We've come a long way, baby! Tyler is in 1st grade and already has homework with simple algebra, which he has caught right on to. He reads chapter books- his favorite being the Magic Tree House series" . He likes to play on the computer and can get around on it better than many adults. I love you and Happy 7th Birthday Son! You've been bringing us nothing but happiness for 7 years and then some, when you were just a twinkle in our eyes.

And this is just random, but I'll leave you today with something to think about. Slim chance and fat chance mean the same thing.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Saturday Night Repeat

It's so quiet I can actually hear my thoughts, even with the wind whipping branches and leaves around outside. Jason is playing poker with the guys. My Aunt Jody (JoJo to Connor) offered to let the boys spend the night at her place. The woman is a Godsend and I cannot even begin to thank her for constantly seeking to strengthen her relationship with the boys. I spent a quiet evening at senior bingo where the room was filled with a total of 6 very unenthusiastic seniors making the pot a whopping $2.25 per game. I've done some searches on eBay for Grandma, boring antique-y stuff, and now I'm sitting down typing up my blog entry and realizing I'm not getting to any sort of point. Maybe I'm best off not left alone in my thoughts. The pitter-patter of little feet and giggles of amusement are certainly missed. The whining hubby I can do without for a few hours! I don't feel productive but it's certainly making me sleepy nonetheless.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Some days I love the rain...

but today is not one of those days! Everything is absolutely drenched and sopping wet outside, and there's a chill in the air that creeps in every little crevice left exposed. I had to run errands with an already sick child in the rain. Had to get gas while standing in the rain. Had to drive across town with the windshield wipers going top speed so I could keep some sort of visibility. The only good thing about it was the soothing sound it made as it ker-plunked on the roof of the van. I could've taken a nap in there.

Tonight we are going out again, to Grandma's house for clam fritters. If you have never had clam fritters, let me tell you...ok I can't yet. But I will tell after I've had them. As much as I like seafood and going to the ocean, I've never tried clam fritters. It never occurred to me that fritters came in any other variety but apple.

I've been clam-digging. It's funny the way they spit up at you as you extract them from the sand. It was a tradition for Grandpa to take us to the beach to dig up clams. You look for air bubbles in the wet sand and when you see them, you stick the metal tube in the sand centered over the bubbles and up to the handle, cover the air vent, then quickly pull up sucking the clam up with the sand. Grandma went to the coast and retrieved this particular batch herself. Grandpa's clam chowder recipe was TDF- to die for!

On that note, I'll leave you with a clam fritter recipe from I had no idea what to expect so I looked it up on the wonderful 'net.

Clam Fritters
Submitted by: Christine Johnson
"My stepmother got this recipe from an 80-year-old woman
back in the 1940's." Original recipe yield: 4 servings.

1 egg
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup milk
1 cup minced clams
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 tablespoons minced onion
2 tablespoons minced green bell pepper (optional)
1/2 cup vegetable oil

Beat the egg and gradually beat in the flour. Slowly stir in the milk, clams, salt, pepper and onion. If desired, stir in the green pepper. With hands shape mixture into 2 inch diameter patties. In a medium skillet heat the oil over medium-high heat until hot. Fry the patties in the hot oil until golden brown. Place cooked fritters on paper towels to soak up any excess oil.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Am I Unlikeable?

You are cordially invited
to a Pity Party for Shelly!
Place: Here, my blog
Date: November 1, 2005
Time: Now
R.S.V.P. Ahhh forget it, I don't expect anyone to come anyway

I've been thinking really hard about something lately, and it's bringing me down into a funk again. Am I an unlikeable person? Last weekend after soccer, some of the girls were talking about what they'd be doing, together, in the middle of the week. Just talking right over me like I wasn't even there. I felt just plain left out. I don't feel like I fit into any particular group, except maybe the bloggers. Blogging has given me an inlet to showcase my love of writing. I post rarely on my birth club (other Mommies with babies born the same month as mine post there.) The other board I'm a part of, well I don't click there either. PM's? Forget it.

I've noticed when it comes to a working environment, I won't make strong friendships with co-workers. I prefer not to get too personal. I prefer not to open up. In a way I'm afraid of being rejected. And since every job I've ever had I knew would be temporary, yeah, I'll admit I'm terrified of good-byes.

I try to put myself out there like I would want a friend to do for me. Extend invitations, keep in touch, keep dates that we set up mutually, etc. I'm not expecting these things to be returned materially, though it would be nice to be re-invited somewhere. I'm doing what I would want a friend to do. Isn't that the way to make a friend? Treat others as you would want to be treated? I'm just not getting it and it makes me feel unlikeable. Invisible.

Rx for Child Survival

Please take a moment out of your day to read on; I promise I won't take much of your time. Just the mere mention of the term "Global Health" and we instantly size up the gargantuan issues facing the world and think, but how can I help? Rx for Child Survival starts at home, with education. Consider things that we have come to depend on to keep us healthy, things we have come to take for granted; clean water, vaccines, antibiotics, mosquito repellent...children worldwide don't have access to these things. What if it was your child that didn't have these things?

Why Focus on Child Survival?
Millions of children die between birth and age 5 each year who would have a good chance at life if they had access to five basic and inexpensive health interventions:

  • Vaccinations to fight childhood diseases, including measles and tetanus
  • Insecticide-treated netting to stop mosquitoes that carry malaria
  • Vitamin A and other micronutrients to help fight infection and prevent nutritional deficiencies
  • Oral rehydration packets to help reduce diarrhea-related illness and deaths
  • Antibiotics to fight pneumonia and antimalarial drugs
Additionally, where it is appropriate, there are significant health values in mothers breastfeeding their infants.

Still seem overwhelming? One way you can do your part is to learn more, which I'm challenging you to do. You can do it in front of your TV. Tune in!

November 1-3:
Rx for Survival -
A Global Health Challenge, series premiere 9 p.m. - 11 p.m., PBS

Check out these great links for add'l information: