My Tarnished Halo

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Food Quirks

I know we all have some strange little food-related habits, so dish (pun very much intended!)

* I don't like eating meat off of the bone, yuck!

* After I eat something sweet, I need to balance it with something salty. Tonight I had Ben & Jerry's Marsha Marsha Marshmallow, followed by Chex Party Mix.

* I judge my food by texture. If it tastes good but the texture is wrong, so long! It's texture over taste every time. The exception is tapioca pudding. You'd think being a texture person I wouldn't like it, but I LOVE it.

* Meat has to be cooked well, or at least not pink. Prime rib grosses me out!

* Can't stand ranch dressing, the smell or taste. Having worked in food service, too many times I watched people gorge themselves by dipping anything and everything into boats of ranch. Then I got stuck cleaning up the mess.

* I can't eat Saltines anymore because it brings back memories of morning sickness.


At 7:50 AM, Blogger Linda said...

I don't eat anything that you pick up and put to your face. ie, ribs, corn on the cob, pizza, wings. I have to have a fork and knife.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Tess said...

Oh, Linda, but then you miss out on the joy of ribs! I love the baby back ribs from Chili's....

I don't like popsicles with wooden sticks in the middle--ugh! I hate coming across that texture. And sometimes Cheerios remind me of my days of morning sickness.


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