My Tarnished Halo

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

All Day School

I have no choice but to let my oldest son grow up. He's in all day school now. He went decked out like a mini skater; a skater T-shirt, black jeans and black Airwalks. His 1st grade classroom is separate from the other 1st grade classrooms and he wants me to stay with little brother by the kindergarten rooms while he walks half way around the building to go to his class. He carried his lunch money in his pocket and ate his greasy corndog and potato wedges amongst his peers. The first words out of his mouth were "I had TWO recesses!" He thinks his teacher is pretty. Cartoon underwear are no longer in. Yup, it's the big time son.

I took Ty to the optometrist yesterday and he's got to get glasses. One eye sees 20/80, the other 20/25. He's so bright we would have never guessed. He never complained save for an occasional headache which we attributed to allergies. Today I ran into his kindergarten teacher and told her and she said he never seemed to have any trouble. I guess the better eye compensates for the bad vision. TGFI (Thank goodness for insurance) because we could have walked out of there owing well over $1,000 for all 5 of our appointments. I was also surprised to learn Ty and Wes both have slight red/green color blindness. It's hereditary, so thanks for that Dad ha ha. And poor Connor is not left out either. He has a different prescription in each eye so we have to go in for further testing and have his eyes dilated so they can get a better look. I do think that Ty will look most handsome and smart with his new glasses. I can just hope he feels the same way. I hope with all my heart that my self-esteem building is enough.


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Tess said...

He looks so grown up! It's hard to believe our May babies will be that big some day.



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