My Tarnished Halo

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Sound of Money

What is it about the tinny tinkling of money hitting the ground that drives kids wild? I swear we can be three aisles over and someone can be digging in a pocket full of change and drop a penny or two jingle-jingle-tink-tink---tink on the ground and my kids' sonar ears tune right in...the alert system goes off...DROPPED CHANGE, AISLE 1!! They go bonkers scrambling over the cart practically upending it and peering their around the end of the aisle to see if they can see it on the ground anywhere. If they do, it's a mad dash to the money-spill. I stand back hoping and praying that no one pushes a cart between them and the change. When one prevails, he must rub it in the other one's face. "Mwuahaha. I have the shiniest penny ever." On occasion we run into a skinflint that stands with folded arms and tapping foot glaring at the children until pennies are returned. I've taught the boys to hand the money back to whomever dropped it and most people politely thank them for picking it up or let them keep it.

Back in my childhood money-making days, my best friend and I came up with grandiose business plans to lure in the neighborhood folk. We had some elaborate ideas that took weeks of planning. We invited all the neighborhood kids and even called cousins to have their parents chauffeur them in by the carload. Among our money-making adventures were snow cones (undiluted Kool-Aid over crushed ice,) yard sales (complete with overpriced Barbies with their hair already cut,) craft shows in her family's camper trailer (yeah that didn't go over so well) and even a carnival with games that filled her whole yard. We were the dreamers; kids who spent all afternoon in the hot sun preying on every passerby just to make a buck or two. Looking back I'm embarrassed at how easily we were amused.

Now that we are saving for a trip to Vegas, I admit you'll find me looking for money. I scan the ground in large crowds. I've found a wad of $20.00's and waited where they were dropped and the rightful owner came back crying and thankful. When I was pregnant, I found $20.00 at 7-Eleven and turned it in but the manager came right back out the door and told me to "Buy something for the baby." I've found dollar bills and ten dollar bills and even a twenty dollar bill just at our local county fair. Maybe I look too hard and the boys have noticed? I don't go out of my way for change anymore, but if I see a penny in my path- heads OR tails- I'll pick it up and add it to my collection- if I can get to it before the boys do!

Lately the sound of money has been "Take me to Vegas, baby!" where I'll probably go and blow it all but you better bet your buns I'll be checking the ground there too.


At 5:07 PM, Blogger Tess said...

Have fun in Vegas!

I am one of the people who loses money. When dh does laundry, he is forever finding 5- and 10- and 20-dollar bills that have slipped out of my pockets.

Oh, and when we moved we had $52 in pennies, nickels, and dimes. (We used quarters to do laundry.)

Sorry to ramble....


At 5:20 PM, Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

I love that blog! We were the dreamers too! Haunted house in the basement, scary ride, crib mattress down the stairs! What do kids do now that there is tv all the time?

Love your blog Shelly. I found a five on the ground just recently. It was so exhilerating, nevermind that I used it to buy a cup of coffee (can you say ripoff?).

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Seri said...

Gosh you lucky woman, you've found LOTS of money in your life! I wish I could be so blessed! Besides the occasional quarter, I only ever found a $20 ONE time. Oh well.
I like your blog, btw. It is very cute!

At 5:49 AM, Blogger Elisa said...

I save every penny i find too. i find a lot in the washer after washing husbands clothes mostly.

Your blog is one of my favorites! Keep writing.


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