My Tarnished Halo

Thursday, August 11, 2005

These Dreams!

High cholesterol too? I thought that was for old people. Well, Cheerios for breakfast it is. And maybe I shouldn't have had those potato chips at lunch but I swear they paraded down my throat and you can't stop a parade. It's all good though. I'm young and I can still get a grip on this. I'm getting a bike and some Tae Bo does anyone know where I can purchase some motivation??

I have had some funky dreams lately- me in a car chase on twisty roads after some woman who was clearly nuts and forgot to take her meds so when she finally slowed down I pulled out a bottle of mine and made her pop a few. Then I was on the way home with the boys (somehow they miraculously appeared in my car) and we watched astronauts land with parachutes right in the median on the freeway. So my interpretation of this one is that I'm chasing myself, hoping I'll slow down long enough to consider taking some medication of some sort because without it I'm a crazy woman. And the astronauts, well the astronauts landing safely at home was just in the news, duh. ;P

I haven't been sleeping well. I'm resting and don't have to get out of bed for 8 hours so I can't blame it on C.J. waking up in the night. It's hard to fall asleep. I'm like one of those dolls with the moving eyelids. My eyelids are heavy and close when my head hits the pillow but I could pop up at any minute and they'd be wide as saucers and I'd be just as awake as I was before lying down. Light sleep. Crazy ass dreams. I cut out caffeine at night. I'm not even dragging during the day. Too much to think about lately. How can I shut my brain off from thinking without Nyquil? You know how I feel about meds but they are starting to look yummy. Until then,

Calgon, take me away...


At 6:19 AM, Blogger Elisa said...

It must be the full moon coming, another blog i read the girl can't sleep!

I'm tired too. I woke up at 4:30 in the freakin' morning today and here i am at work. It bites.

Maybe cutting out the caffeine will help. Or the calgon, as far as meds, have u ever tried tylenol pm or benadryl? Knocks me out cold!

At 3:54 AM, Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

There is some fantastic imagery in this blog, Shelly. The parade of chips, the doll eyes...FANTASTIC! You are an awesome writer. I have to recommend the medicine. It saved my life!


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