My Tarnished Halo

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Rabbit Food

While husband is away, with my blog I shall play.

So HE is gone to a football game tonight. I am sitting here chomping on what HE calls rabbit food, a large assortment of mixed greens and veggies. A salad. And it tastes delectable. I think it's because HE is not here to call it rabbit food.

Or another peeve of mine- when he says "horseshit" in his most southern drawl. Hey honey, need I remind you that you are not from the south? I don't know how the hell it works but when we were dating he was stationed in Mississippi for a few months, and when he came home next he was talking with an accent that he mysteriously picked up out of nowhere. Now he swears that he always talked like that but I knew him before and after that trip and it's just not the case. So big fat horseshit to that. There's an actual diagnosis for this. I saw a story on TV the other day about a woman who was in a coma and when she came to, she spoke with a British accent. A medical mystery. Do you think if people want to pick up an accent that it's humanly possible to pick it up from being around it long enough? What if they listen to country music and visit Mississippi? I don't get it.

As far as this divorce thing goes, we are really easing into the whole process. I want us to spend a couple weeks apart and just see how it goes. Will I miss him? Can I do things on my own? I sat the boys down tonight and explained to them that Mommy and Daddy aren't getting along very well lately and that we are going to try living in different houses for a short time to see if we get along better. Ya know, KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid.) We will only tell them age-appropriate answers when they ask. I thought I was all prepared when I walked into their room and asked them to come sit down with me. I mean, if I can move out on my own and get a job and take care of them, then this small talk should be a breeze right?

Wrong! As soon as I pulled them to me and started to explain, my oldest son started covering his eyes. He's the emotional one of the bunch so I knew that meant he had tears a'brewin. Before I'd even told them about living apart, he was crying. So don't tell me kids can't sense what is going on around them. Don't try to tell me that they are too young, too preoccupied, or too oblivious to pick right up on stray emotion. Even C.J. has been more clingy lately. Leave it up to children to catch you off guard. But I sat with them until Wes was bored and wanted to go watch Teen Titans and Tyler turned off the fountain. He still really hasn't said what exactly caused his tears. But I told him he can cry anytime he wants to, because Mommy and Daddy do it too. We all do sometimes.

I finished my rabbit food. I'm glad I chose a salad for dinner tonight. My health is one less thing I need to be worrying about in the grander scheme of things. And before bedtime...who knows...maybe when the husband comes home we can share some baby carrots and peanut butter before dozing off in awkward silence.


At 10:44 PM, Blogger aangelgoddess said...


Once again, you are in my thoughts...I already had "The conversation" with my oldest, who feels much the same way as I do about Bryan...although I know that does not mean she would/will take the split is a rough road.
Should I send you some radishes and celery? Or perhaps we could write a theorem on the therapeutic affects of greens...
Happy Rex Manning Day to you as well!!

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

Wow...I feel for you Shelly. It's a tough thing, this being a grown-up mommy person. Maybe keep focused on a time in the distant future when this will NOT be what is on your mind day in and day out. You will have traded this worry and fret and fear for a life of freedom and independence. You will have given your boys the gift of forgetting the word horseshit. You will have given yourself a salad for dinner everynight!

That all being said...CARROTS WITH PEANUT BUTTER??

At 5:51 AM, Blogger Precie said...


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I wish there were something I could do to make it better for you.

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Elisa said...

You sound like a very strong woman. I hope it all works out whatever you decide. I'm sure that is a hard position to be and with three little boys.

Rabbit food? my hubby says the same - he's a meat & potatoes type.

I'm with kikigill on the carrots w/peanut butter? is that good?

At 11:42 PM, Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

So, I just read your most recent blog and had to go way back to see if I had imagined this...nope, here it is. I knew I had remembered this. Glad to see you beat the odds and came out the other side!


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