My Tarnished Halo

Monday, August 08, 2005

My Odd Dream

This happened a couple nights ago, and I can't for the life of me figure out what triggered it but here you go. I was going to live in a house full of gay boys- the cute and fluffy sort. Flamingly gay. Yep, Laura I had your dream for you ha ha. It was set up sort of like a college frat house with lots of rooms downstairs and one large attic with beds lined up across it. The kitchen was complete with retro appliances and black and white checkered tile. The place was amazing- a person felt happy just existing there. I wondered when we would all break out in song.

I don't know why but it goes unsaid that girls were to live upstairs in the attic, and while boys living here had to like boys, the girls on the other hand did not. When I go up to pick out my bed, I'm the first girl up there and I'm jumping from bed to bed testing the squishiness of each one. I hear other girls stomping upstairs just as I find the perfect bed with a bookshelf headboard and plop down onto it. The beds are filling up fast and these two preps come right over to the bed next to mine. One of them throws her bags onto the bed next to me (great, I'm thinking) and her friend rolls right onto my bed with me. She says "I'm taking this bed..." and I'm arguing "But I was already here. It's taken." Slowly she's edging closer to me...

Next thing I know I'm downstairs. I guess I've already decided to live here. My Grandma and my Aunt are here checking the place out with smiles half-upturned. One of the gay boys- a tallish, blonde German guy re-enters the kitchen to continue baking some cookies. I reach up to pat his arm as he rounds the corner and realize it's just a stub...(significance??) My Aunt points out that he should add more butter (yep, butter?) to the dough so the cookies are chewier. They continue baking the cookies together and he tells her to squish the cookies to one side of the pan to leave room for the chocolate ones. I'm grinning as he slides a pan of cookies go into the retro oven.

I woke up thinking "Where on earth?!" Anyone want to take a stab at dream interpretation?!


At 2:54 PM, Blogger Smander said...

Have you been reading Harry Potter? LOL


At 6:57 PM, Blogger Elisa said...

What a weird dream. Sounds like a twisted form of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Do you feel like someone is creeping in on your territory? That's what i get from the prep trying to take your already claimed bed.



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