My Tarnished Halo

Monday, August 15, 2005

Circle of Trust

It's 1 hour from quitting time. The husband is supposed to be off work at 5 o'clock sharp but that rarely ever happens anymore. This week he's on call so I felt like I've hardly seen him. But strangely I've been ok with that. I'm sure I have time to blog before he gets home. I can't do it when he's here. I don't know why. I'm pretty sure he doesn't read it. But I prefer to keep it private, not private from the public but private from the inside. Isn't it sad that while this is an outlet for me, if he ever truly saw how I felt here that it would cause more chaos than I'm ready to deal with at this point. It's also a good thing that some of my blogs go unpublished altogether.

Today I had the melted-looking mole removed from my left arm. My arm is still numb! And I had two others lasered off too. Now the mole from my arm is being transported off to the lab to test for cancer. I should know the results within the week. I have 4 stitches on my arm which won't be removed for 10 days. At that time I will have a physical, get stitches out and talk about how the exercise is working for my depression. I can already tell you it's been hard to find 1 hour a day to do it, especially with the hubby on call because I can't leave the kids with him. But I got a bike, and my Tae Bo videos from eBay should be coming shortly. I've been exercising more like every other day. Still an improvement!

This weekend was a time for family. My cousins were visiting from Oregon. I have two cousins getting ready to go back to college after spending the summer here- one of them went to China this summer. And next she's leaving to Iowa for her Master's! Another cousin just got back from Australia. We had a blast playing Texas Hold'em Poker, Schnertz, and the whole family went out for Chinese. It's a big affair when we go out to eat as the extended fam, 6 tables pushed together and 1 waitress pretty much just attended to our table. We had so much catching up to do before everyone parted ways. I am so blessed to have a large family that lives in such close proximity. I've never met another family that even remotely resembles ours. We celebrate every birthday. We get together nearly every weekend. I've seen my cousins (and even both sets of Grandparents) as often as I could possibly want. I even spend time with both of my Grandmas together because they get along so well.

My Grandma B. has always said "You can always count on family." For us, this is true. I know without a doubt, 100%, never-fail that I can trust and depend on every person in my family. I strive daily to live up to that for each and every one of them. Have you ever seen Meet the Fockers? It's the circle of trust.

Do you fathom that since I wouldn't want my husband to read my blog that he's outside the circle of trust? Or do I fall outside of his?

Well I better go do some last-minute hyper cleaning before the man arrives.


At 6:00 AM, Blogger Elisa said...

That's so awesome that you have a family like that. I can only imagine what that would feel like since i'll certainly never know.

I don't think this blog means he is outside your circle of trust. I think even though you are married you are still Shelly and entitled to your own private thoughts.

We all have secrets. there are things every woman (who is smart) keeps from "the man"

publish the unpublished. i love your blog.


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