My Tarnished Halo

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Scrambled Eggs and Minds

My parents will be coming up on 1 year post-divorce here pretty soon. When it comes to family events, Mom's family is the larger side and we throw these all-out huge bashes and frequently. She's clearly voiced her opinion that she doesn't want my Dad in attendance. She shakes her head violently in disapproval of the things he's done since the divorce like go out and buy a Hyabusa, one of the speediest sportsbikes out there AND a 2005 LE Harley Electra Glide. Not to mention numerous trade-ins for sporty speed boats, a convertible and 4-wheelers.

So it comes as a total surprise to me that they still talk about me and my brother. Mom asks "Did Laura tell you she saw your Dad and I at Denny's?" No, she hadn't. Probably didn't want to shock the hell outta me. They went to breakfast together? Hmmm. Why on earth would Mom submit herself to such torture? Uh yes, I'll have an order of pancakes and sausage with a side of shit-talking, and black coffee please. And make that as black as my heart! They went to breakfast together to conspire against us. They are split up and we are adults. I don't think decisions about my brother and I collectively concern them anymore. It's that simple.

It wouldn't bother me so had Mom not ended our phone convo with this "I heard some interesting things. When you're feeling better you need to come over by yourself so we can discuss." Now it's not like I tell Dad lots of juicy details about my life. And I try my damnedest to not talk shit about Mom in front of him. After all they did spend 24 years together and I *think* at least some of them were happy. What could Dad have possibly told her that she didn't already know? I fret!


At 5:04 PM, Blogger Tess said...

I would fret too! It must be hard to have your parents break up after you had left the house. And meeting for breakfast does sound weird. Old habits die hard, I guess.

At 5:47 AM, Blogger Elisa said...

I hate when people say something like that and they you have to wait and wait to find out what the meant! Out with it! I hope you'll tell US what it is whenever u find out.


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