My Tarnished Halo

Thursday, September 01, 2005

It's Affecting Us All

Blogging for Relief

Photo from AFP/Paul J. Richards

Hurricane Katrina, look what you have done! In the wake of Katrina's aftermath we are left in awe of the chaos and damage you have done. While the images being splayed across my T.V. screen are shocking, I can't look away. You took away basic needs such as shelter and fresh drinking water. You caused gas prices to rocket skyward. The cost of items all over the country will inflate. You flooded the homes of family and friends- people I don't even know but they are someone's relatives. They have anxious parents and siblings and grandparents across the world who can't get through on the phone lines to see if they are alive or still yelling for help or worse. You took lives...

But you are also giving us another chance to show our strength as a nation, as Americans. You hit close to home. It's high time we help our own. And not just in disaster but let this be an awakening that it can happen to any of us- with warning or not. So the lesson here is treat others as you would want to be treated. Let's see what relief funding the people with gather. What countries will reach out and offer the good ol' U. S. of A. a helping hand? Will those who have little to offer still manage to give what little they can?

If you are reading this, be thankful that you are dry. That you have a roof over your head. That you are sleeping in your own bed tonight. That you won't have to worry where the water to make your baby's next bottle will come from. Don't take for granted simple things like homecooked meals and a functioning restroom or things that make life more enjoyable like the internet access you have right now to read this. Be thankful that you don't have to explain where home is and why Kissyfur the stuffed bear is gone.

You can help by donating or giving blood. More info at:

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or see how much Blog for Relief has raised so far at the truth laid bear.

Visit Glenn's Roundup Page for more info.

Second photo from REUTERS/Mark Wallheiser


At 4:06 AM, Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

So's affecting me for sure. It's so depressing. These poor people. I feel just like I did after September 11th. So lost.


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