My Tarnished Halo

Monday, January 09, 2006

Emotional Nerd

Ok, so that's me lately. I'm a big ball of tears. No way I'm preggo, so please dismiss that thought now ha ha! It's not even that time of month. I honestly don't have a good explanation.

One of the girls from the soccer team is moving and tonight was her last game with us. Talk about choked up! I hugged her quickly and hustled my sweaty self outside so I didn't have to watch the shedding of tears as my other teammates said their good-byes. Just seeing other people cry is enough to get me started, even when I don't know why they're crying! Call me sympathetic I guess.

Even the Sylvan Learning Center commercial made a few leak out. You know the one where the boy gives his Mom his report card with good grades for her Birthday present. Boo hoo!

I'm a big ol' emotional nerd. I invite the tears when they come. Go find me a bulk size package of Kleenex. Curl up with a pint of Marsha Marsha Marshmallow. Turn on some tear-jerker Lifetime Original movie. Yes, damnit I am a woman and I will cry my heart out if the mood strikes me. And no dear husband, I don't have to have a reason!


At 4:49 PM, Blogger shopspacemonkey said...

Amen! I am the same way, and I always have been. I go through bouts of it anyway. My mom's advice to my dh when we married was to sit me down with a good tear-jerker movie, a box of kleenex and some chocolate on a somewhat regular basis. Pathetic.



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