My Tarnished Halo

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Vent: Relatives letting the boys ruin clothes

Ya know, I genuinely appreciate our baby-sitters (all relatives) but why do they keep sending the boys home with dirty, stained clothes? I've learned not to send their nicest ones, and I send spares. So why do they keep coming home with filthy clothes wadded up in their overnight bags? Too hard to slap a bib on Connor or a smock on the older boys? Heard of stain stick? Connor's mostly white onesie is just trashed. Definitely not to be seen in public anymore. It's like they just let the kids paint, have ice-cream, drink kool-aid, eat chocolate ice-cream until it melts completely, get grass stains, whatever. I'm sure the kids are having a blast in the process, BUT I CANNOT PERFORM FUCKING LAUNDRY MIRACLES! I hope I'm not overreacting. I think how the boys look directly reflects on me.


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