My Tarnished Halo

Friday, August 18, 2006

Strange Fella

Isn't one of the first things you learn in kindergarten not to pop your fellow classmates' space bubbles? I think the man we encountered at lunch today failed kindergarten. He was clearly fond of children because he ventured over to our table way too enthusiastically. Now mind you this wasn't some waiter trying to entertain the kids. It was a stranger. A "couldn't be any stranger" type stranger. He approached with a get-up like this fashioned from his paper napkin.

Connor was not too keen on it and edged towards my Grandma on the other side of the table. The man followed Connor around the table saying in a wacky voice "What's wrong don't you like me? You're not afraid of the rabbit, are you?" He was urging Connor to put his finger in the rabbit's mouth. I was trying to summon the mommy radar signals and sort out his intents but my Grandma was smiling politely and Connor was in her arms now so I bit my tongue. He mentioned how his daughter just got married and he was waiting impatiently for grandbabies. The whole while his wife sat in the next booth and smiled on. And then the topper of the whole damn thing- he leaned over and kissed Connor's forehead. If Connor would have been in my lap the man woulda had a mouthful of that fricking stupid napkin rabbit.

I've reflected on the situation some and my mommy instincts were there the whole time. I didn't react. I strongly wanted to believe that maybe he just really enjoyed being around children and hearing them laugh. I felt I didn't react correctly in the immediate situation and since the feelings didn't pass right away, I used the incident to teach about stranger danger. I pointed out that he looked like a regular person but gave off a vibe that just wasn't right. I pointed out how he made us uncomfortable...he popped our space bubbles. The boys appeared to catch on and that's the best I can hope for. Next time, words will fly damnit.


At 6:00 PM, Blogger Elisa said...

Oh, i hate when you have that "shoulda said" regret.

Good idea teaching them about stranger danger. I like how u word things.


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