My Tarnished Halo

Thursday, September 08, 2005

From Gummy Bears to Grade School

I am chomping on those chewy cavity-creating confections that we call Gummy Bears. My 5-lb Costco bag of ursine delights is running out! The horror! At least I can relish the fruitiness while I finish my post. There's something I'm more excited than Gummy Bears about...Weston started kindergarten!!

This isn't just two random topics combined into one post. In grade school (ok, that sounds like I'm getting old) uh, in elementary school, Gummy Bears were a special treat for those children who won Heads-Up, 7-Up or remembered to bring back their library book. I was bribed with sugar many times as a young child.

When Wes walked out of his classroom, he was beaming as he showed me a lemon Tootsie-Roll. Why on earth would someone give a room full of kindergarteners candy? The little buggers have plenty of energy as it is. Oh, I know. It was because it was the end of the day and the kids were going home. Ahhh that makes so much more sense. Well anyway, I'm glad we have a good dentist.

Wes was most proud of making new friends. I said "So what are their names honey?" and he didn't know. But they played together and made checkerboards out of blocks. And one girl from his table already got sent to the Principal's office. Is that the teacher's way of snapping them into shape early? Whatever the case was, I got the impression that Weston was proud and exhausted and he promptly retreated to the couch for a rest. He hasn't done that since he was 3!

With both older boys in school now, I found myself unsure of what to do. It sounds ridiculous but I've been a SAHM all but 7 mos. of Tyler's babyhood. Today it was a day to pick up Grandma and go shopping. We took pleasure in yet another good blended mocha and a day of shopping without repeating "Don't touch that! Stay by me!" like broken records. It took us half as long to get in and out of the vans. We were out from 9-3. Taking a cue from the Creator himself, on the 7th hour I rested. In fact, that's what all of us are doing now. School wears the kids out!

If we are what we eat, then I'm a chubby, roly-poly red Gummy Bear right now and I'm not moving a muscle. I feel like I just overdosed on sugar. You can bounce me to the kitchen. Or wait about 1/2 hour and I'll have enough energy to bounce there myself. I hope you boys like Gummy Bears for dinner! Let's see, what chores is THAT worth to ya?


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