My Tarnished Halo

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pool Par-tay!

There is one positive thing about Mom's new house. It's got a pool! I have so many fond memories growing up by the pool at my Grandma's house. We held BBQs and Birthdays poolside and even watched the local airshow overhead while we swam. Many a sweltering summer night we lingered just chilling by the pool. My cousins and I would hold freestyle dive contests and play Marco Polo for hours until our feet and fingers were pruney. I wore my very first 2-pc. by that pool. Yep, that was back when I was all skinny and didn't care that my suit was blazing neon orange and pink and rode up my butt until my white cheeks met the light of day. These horrid-dry-heat-in-the-90s days that we've been having make me wish I were that carefree again.

Where there's a pool, there's a party. This Saturday Mom and her boyfriend invited the whole family over for BBQ and swimming. It meant I needed a new bathing suit so I spent my morning shuffling through the racks of swimsuits at Target. 98% of them were 2pc. Not that I was surprised by that. I thought I might go 1pc. but didn't have enough cute options. I had a helluva time trying to locate a top and bottom in the same size. Apparently, women aren't equally proportioned top to bottom and some must have only wanted one half of a bathing suit...ok then. I was about ready to give up. Ever tried on 20 mismatched swimsuit tops and bottoms with a curious toddler that doesn't want anything to do with a shopping cart? I'd found a top that suited me but not the right size of bottoms, and I was ready to leave with all or nothing. Knowing that people sometimes discard things on random racks nearby, I checked those and wa-lah, small bottoms to go with my medium top.

So here it is! It's black w/ silver pin stripes. What, you'd thought I'd post a picture of it on? Uh, no. I have to muster up the courage to put it on Saturday.

And for kicks, here's my new Kathy Van Zeeland. Will look cute with strappy brown sandals, no?


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